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Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Chocolate Molten Pie (Part I)

I was craving for another Chocolate Molten Cake that I made the other day. But thinking about another kind of Chocolate Molten... I thought of doing some improvisation.
One of my favorite dessert is PIE. And my mum made the best pie I've ever had. Well... note this, I have tried some other pies out there and I have never had any better one than my mum's :p Hhmm... you could say maybe because of the 'love' ingredients inside? Hehe big probably.

So the concept was... I want to make a pie with chocolate melt inside. It's a bit like Chocolate Molten Cake, but the cake is not cake instead of pie. And to make it simple, I will just give a simple chocolate filling made from bitter sweet chocolate compound (easy melting).

The pie didn't turn out very nice... :( since I wasn't thinking about the steps very well. And maybe the way I add the chocolate filling was not proper. So the chocolate was kind of blended with the pie hahaha. But I made it perfect with the taste. Mmm... I will just have to do something about the chocholate filling and the appearance.



keliatannya ga enak ya keras hehehe

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