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Sunday, February 01, 2009

HaPPy ComMenTinG ^_^

Dear faithful blogger friends,

There have been some problems with my computer and the internet connections days before, so there is a lag in the updates of this blog.

It's a great pleasure for me to be able to give you some good informations about food or recipe or cooking tips that hopefully beneficial for you. Next time in the future I'll go to some great places to eat to give you good information about where to have great meals or snack. I know I am not a great cook, but just like some other normal human, I like to eat. And it is always great if you can cook the food you like yourself with your own taste. It's just like when I eat mealballs soup at some places, it's always feels like there's something missing. If it is not salty enough, or sweet enough, or perhaps the noodles are too soft, or sometimes the meatballs are too tough. And then when I went home, I cook my own kind of meatballs soup, and it would just taste like heaven.

If you find this blog interesting or maybe you have some things on your mind about this blog that I need to change, please don't hesitate and please feel free to give some comments =") I am also in the middle of improving my self to be a good cook... at least for my future husband.

So.... happy commenting! ^_^


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