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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

AnoTheR Tea Time : Pisang Goreng :D

For us here in Indonesia, one of our favorite snack meal is Pisang Goreng aahhhh... even to think about it makes me drewling :D Especially if the banana is one of those sweeeeet kind, with the crunchy crust and accompanied by a cup of hot sweet tea... oohhhh heaven! Hahaha

I got the recipe specially from my mom. From all my life, I have never taste any other Pisang Goreng better than my mom's yummm.... and lately she has modified the recipe. The crust is crunchier but soft inside, and she changed the type of the banana.

What you need :

  • 10 Plantain (raja bulu) Banana, thin cuts
  • 300 grams of medium flour
  • 100 grams of starch flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon of Baking Powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon of Baking Soda
  • 1 teaspoon of salt (but add it little by little as you taste it first, to avoid it being too salty)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla powder
  • 1 egg
  • 300 ml of water

How to Make :
  • To make the dough simply mix all the ingredients together except the banana, but add the water little by little as you mix the dough until they are well mixed.
  • Then add the cut bananas, mix them with the dough.
  • Prepare the cooking oil, we will make a deep frying, that is using a lot of cooking oil and let the dough drown in the cooking oil until it is well cooked. Let the cooking oil to heat.
  • Put the fire to medium, then take about 1 full table spoon of the dough and fry it along with other full table spoons of doughs. You should stir the doughs while frying, to let them cooked evenly until they have changed to yellow-brownish color.
  • Take out the cooked doughs and drain them. And they are ready to crave :D


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